Change management in catering companies in the context of the digital economy

The first chapter describes that based on digital platforms as the main factor of production, labor relations and labor functions are being transformed. In the modern economy, various industries and activities are being transformed, new industries are being formed, based only on the use of new technologies.The second chapter describes that the catering sector is very competitive in the Latvian market. In the context of transformation of the labor market, there are changes in the requirements for employees, which are associated with their personal development and desire for personal growth. Digitalization is transforming existing jobs, requiring workers to have new skills to perform new tasks, requiring continuous training.The third chapter describes that in a market economy, digital business transformation can drive growth, productivity and competitiveness. Digitalization allows us to minimize the risk of human error and free up specialists’ time to solve more important issues.The fourth chapter analyzes the main activities and problem areas of the enterprise, analyzes and proposes promising concepts for personnel management of an existing enterprise in the Latvian public catering market, since in modern changing conditions personnel are the key asset of the enterprise.

Author: Alīna Uļjanovska

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into Human Resource Management processes presents an evolving domain of exploration and practical application. The widespread adoption of AI technologies presents the potential for significant transformations in products, innovation processes and business models. The research aim is to develop a framework for effective use of AI in Human Resource Management. The subject of the research is AI-based solutions in Human Resource Management. The object of the research is Human Resource Management processes in an enterprise.A multifaceted research approach was used to scrutinize the effective utilization of AI in HRM: Literature review, Case Studies, Employee Surveys, Interviews with HR experts.During this research, the author highlighted aspects of contemporary HRM that can be improved using AI technologies; made a list of the recommended practices for integrating AI-based solutions into HRM; developed a framework for AI tools implementation and found out that HR experts’ and employees’ overall perspective on AI within HRM appears optimistic.This research holds both theoretical and practical significance, driving advancements in theoretical knowledge, informing organizational practices, and shaping the future of work in the digital age.

Author: Ana Enache

Supervisor: Yulia Stukalina

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Company Ekl/Ls Ltd personnel selection and recruitment system's procedure improvement

Company Ekl/Ls Ltd personnel selection and recruitment system's procedure improvement.The aim of the paper is to collect information on the process of search, attraction and selection of personnel, to identify the shortcomings of the process of search and selection of personnel on the example of EKL/LS Ltd. and to provide recommendations for their improvement.In accordance with the aim of the work, the following tasks were set:To look at the theoretical foundations of recruitment and selectionTo identify the characteristics of EKL/LS Ltd.To analyse the management system of EKL/LS Ltd.To analyse the recruitment and selection system of EKL/LS Ltd.Identify the main problems in recruitment and selection at EKL/LS Ltd.Develop recommendations for improving the recruitment and selection system at EKL/LS Ltd.

Author: Anastasija Horoļska

Supervisor: Tamila Mišāne

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Remote control of a robot manipulator by tracking human hand motion and gestures

Šī darba mērķis ir izveidot televadības sistēmu manipulatora robotam, izmantojot roku žestus un pozas. Tajā būs iekļauta žestu bibliotēka, lai interpretētu roku žestus un nosūtītu komandas robotam. Šī pieeja atvieglotu un paātrinātu mijiedarbību ar robotizētām sistēmām, padarot nepieciešamas minimālas sarežģītas ievades ierīces un plašas apmācības prasības.

Author: Antons Tjurins

Supervisor: Emmanuel Alejandro Merchan Cruz

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Robotics


Improvement of Employee Motivation System in Organization

Employee motivation and retention are critical in today's competitive IT industry. This research investigates methods to boost engagement and optimize human capital at "Smart Solutions Group."The research analyzes existing motivation theories and successful models. It then dives deep into Smart Solutions Group, examining their current system through surveys, interviews, and document reviews. This comprehensive approach helps understand how different motivational factors impact IT personnel.Drawing on the findings, the research proposes practical recommendations to enhance the company's existing system. The goal is to address both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to improve employee retention and productivity.By exploring best practices and addressing identified weaknesses, this research aims to strengthen Smart Solutions Group's ability to attract and retain top IT talent, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Author: Kamilla Emili Mirzakhanli

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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