Evaluation of Personnel Training System in an Organization

Personnel training is crucial for enhancing organizational performance and achieving strategic objectives. Evaluating training programs involves analyzing the knowledge gained, skills acquired, and overall employee development. This evaluation helps determine whether financial investments in training are justified and predicts the rationality of further investments.This research aims to evaluate training programs in airlines, focusing on their unique training systems and developing recommendations for improvement. The study has three main objectives:• Explore theoretical aspects of personnel training systems in modern enterprises, emphasizing the concept of a learning organization.• Analyze and evaluate existing personnel training programs through case studies of two organizations.• Develop recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of personnel training systems.The analysis of theoretical aspects and existing training systems highlights current strengths and weaknesses. Based on these insights, specific recommendations have been developed to improve personnel training programs. These guide HR managers in optimizing training practices and fostering continuous improvement, enhancing individual performance, and contributing to the organization's strategic objectives.

Author: Aaliyah Lyubov Mikhaylova

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Application of an autonomous taxiing system, on a medium-range passenger aircraft

Currently, among the issues that most concern airlines are controlling operating costs and reducing harmful impacts on the environment.One solution to reduce fuel costs and reduce environmental impact is the use of an electric green taxiing system, which can save several hundred thousand dollars per aircraft per year, thereby increasing overall business profitability while reducing the negative impact on the environment. Wednesday.This bachelor's thesis proposes an autonomous aircraft taxiing system based on the EGTS concept, however, it is proposed to use a hydromechanical system rather than electric motors to drive the landing gear wheels.The work presents a design solution for this system for a designed prototype aircraft and calculation of the main parameters of the taxiing system. This system may have practical applications.

Author: Ričards Novikovs

Supervisor: Sergey Yunusov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


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