Improvement of Employee Motivation System in Organization

Employee motivation and retention are critical in today's competitive IT industry. This research investigates methods to boost engagement and optimize human capital at "Smart Solutions Group."The research analyzes existing motivation theories and successful models. It then dives deep into Smart Solutions Group, examining their current system through surveys, interviews, and document reviews. This comprehensive approach helps understand how different motivational factors impact IT personnel.Drawing on the findings, the research proposes practical recommendations to enhance the company's existing system. The goal is to address both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to improve employee retention and productivity.By exploring best practices and addressing identified weaknesses, this research aims to strengthen Smart Solutions Group's ability to attract and retain top IT talent, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Author: Kamilla Emili Mirzakhanli

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Improving Employee Motivation System within the Hotel Industry.

The motivation of employees in the hotel industry plays a pivotal role in achieving operational success. This bachelor's project aims to analyze the current motivation system in one of the Wellton Hotels establishments, with the goal of developing recommendations for its enhancement in accordance with motivation theory. The first chapter discusses various theories and mechanisms of motivation, providing a theoretical framework for understanding employee motivation systems. The second chapter offers a deep analysis of motivation systems employed in Wellton Hotels, evaluating their effectiveness and proposing improvements based on the findings. Through theoretical analysis, empirical research, and surveys, the author of the study recommends improving motivational programs and employee satisfaction levels, offering specific practical recommendations to enhance the motivational environment and improve overall service quality.

Author: Karina Kostina

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Comparative analysis of national AML/CFT laws in Latvia and Finland.

This bachelor's thesis analyses the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing laws in Latvia and Finland with a focus on their compliance with European Union standards and international recommendations provided by FATF. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide recommendations for improving AML/CFT practices in Latvia by comparing the national and external legal requirements of both countries. The study emphasises the importance of AML/CFT regulations for the protection of the financial sector in the context of growing technological advances and increasing crime risks. The study methodologically includes a careful analysis of six European Union AML/CFT directives, two regulations and the relevant AML/CFT laws of Latvia and Finland. The results of the study emphasise the importance of historical and economic factors for the success of AML/CFT measures, therefore, it is proposed to improve Latvia's AML/CFT system based on Finnish best practices.

Author: Karolīna Avdejenko

Supervisor: Jekaterina Vestermane

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management



This bachelor thesis studies the Latvian tourism market and analyses the company, including the following main aspects:1. Study of the activity of the chosen company.2. Marketing strategies: Evaluate the marketing strategies used and their impact on the attractiveness of the company to potential customers.3. Business performance: Assessment of key business performance indicators.4.Development opportunities.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse and evaluate the performance of a travel agency in order to determine the effectiveness of planned changes and their impact on the company's positioning in the tourism market, as well as to identify opportunities for the development of the travel agency and to determine the factors that will influence these results. The research methodology includes a literature review and the collection and analysis of company data, as well as the application of various financial methods and ratios to assess the company's financial position and prospects. The results obtained will allow conclusions to be drawn on the current situation and development prospects of Faritour Ltd, and recommendations to be made for optimising its financial performance.

Author: Ksenija Strazdiņa

Supervisor: Ilze Sproģe

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Development of a web application for a bank transfer system

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to develop a bank web application capable of processing both MT103 and pacs.008 payment types. The system will evaluate whether it is necessary to convert payments to facilitate transactions between different account types. This work includes a comprehensive review of payment types, along with the challenges and limitations associated with SWIFT and ISO standards. Essential functionalities for such systems are identified, and an overview of similar products, their adoption of ISO standards, costs, and available services are provided. The comparison of web development frameworks affirmed ASP.NET Core as the optimal choice for this project. An internal questionnaire identified critical features and prioritised payment types for the application. Based on these insights, detailed requirements and specifications were developed, leading to the creation of the application using the ASP.NET Core Blazor framework. Upon completion, the application underwent manual and unit testing to evaluate its performance and ensure it meets the outlined requirements. This thesis documents the entire development process, from theoretical research to practical implementation and testing.

Author: Maksims Raciņš

Supervisor: Boriss Mišņevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


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