Comparative analysis of online casinos risks in Latvia

The bachelor thesis consists of 3 chapters, the aim of which is to develop a proposal to improve the operation of online casinos, based on the comparative analysis, The first chapter will help to understand theoretical aspects, factors, concepts and operating principles of online casinos.Second chapter includes selecting and comparing 3 popular online casinos in Latvia.The third chapter analyses the risks of online casino operation.

Author: Sergejs Storožuks

Supervisor: Marina Koževņikova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Possibilities of introducing the principles of sustainable development into the company's marketing concept

In the first chapter the basic principles of sustainable development in business will be described, as well as a role of marketing in its realization, how it affects the company, how they are connected. What challenges while implementing sustainable development the company can meet, how it affects it and how they correspond each other.The second chapter is going to be focused on the clothing retail in Latvia, what is the geographic distribution of it, how it is structured. What features Latvian companies use, in order to attract customers. And how now the consumer understand the word sustainability, how they understand the importance of it. The third chapter will provide the basic information and the history of the company. How well the company is competitive in comparison with other companies. How the company is familiar with principles of sustainable development and how the company applies them.The fourth chapter will be about the defining project goals for company, how “APRANGA” company can plan an implementation of sustainable development principles into the marketing concept. Will try to formulate the new marketing concept with a consideration of sustainable development principles.

Author: Valērija Isajeva

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Aspects of the modern frameworks of employment

The first part of the thesis considers the concept of variations in aspects of modern employment and its peculiarities. In addition, the genesis of the most important historical events that changed the history of global employment is provided.The second part of the thesis describes the concept of hybrid employment, its meaning, and its role in modern employment.The third part of the thesis examines the general use of hybrid employment models by employers in Latvia. In addition, relying on expert data, a decision-making method using already existing data processing methods. The data obtained in the work are used to conclude the application of the hybrid work method in Latvia to improve the experience of both employers and employees in this field.

Author: Valērija Makšanova

Supervisor: Veronika Siliņeviča

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Improvement of Employee Motivation System in Organization.

This bachelor's thesis aims to explore the theoretical foundations and develop measures to enhance the motivation system within an organization. The theoretical framework delves into the aspect of labor motivation among personnel, highlighting motivation as a pivotal success factor in any organization. Special emphasis is placed on motivation within the organizational context, with examples showcasing successful enhancements in employee motivation.The thesis discusses various research methods and procedures pertinent to employee motivation within the organization. Detailed analysis of the company's operations and motivation system is conducted, identifying key features and undertaking a comprehensive review of current employee incentive methods. Additionally, it delineates conditions and different types of research methodologies concerning the company's motivation system, as well as outlining the methodology for analyzing employee survey results.The study meticulously analyzes all aspects of the existing motivation system within the company. Drawing upon the survey results and findings, considerable attention is devoted to enhancing motivation and formulating pertinent recommendations for enhancing the company's motivation system management.

Author: Yury Klyhun

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Development of Digital Marketing Activities for Kure Pizza

This research investigates the development of digital marketing activities for a pizza dining establishment in the catering industry of Azerbaijan. Due to the swift changes in consumer behaviour and growing number of competitors in the catering industry, the restaurants have to adopt and implement digital marketing activities to effectively engage with the target consumer base. The study looks into overall outlook and ongoing trends in the catering industry of Azerbaijan. Utilising research methods including best practices comparison, competitive comparison, survey, and interviews, the author aims to identify and suggest digital marketing activities for the pizza establishment to improve engagement with its consumers and drive more sales through enhancement of its online presence and digital marketing efforts.

Author: Zahid Pashayev

Supervisor: Olga Zervina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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