Development of web application for a gym

Bachelor's thesis is devoted to the development of a unique web application for a gym, which will be competitive in the Latvian market. Within the framework of the project, a web application is being developed, including a server part based on Python language, as well as a client part using such languages as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The key features of the developed application are integration with artificial intelligence ChatGPT and integration with the third-party application Telegram. Artificial intelligence in this work is presented in the form of chatbot technical support and chatbot online trainer, as well as used to create individual training programmes for each client.The main goal of the work is to create a unique product that has no analogues in the Latvian market, which will significantly improve the experience of gym customers and contribute to the achievement of each client's goals. During the development process testing was performed, which confirmed the successful integration of all components of the application. Based on the testing results, recommendations for further development of the web application are offered.

Author: Andrejs Glušenoks

Supervisor: Olga Dribeņeca

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Implementation of Variable Pitch Angle Fan Blades on Gas Turbine Engine

This diploma thesis explores methods to enhance the efficiency of gas turbine engines with a focus on high bypass ratio engines. The study is structured around three objectives: (1) reviewing the principles, and advancements of gas turbine engines, (2) analyzing the design features and challenges of high bypass ratio engines, and (3) developing a variable pitch angle fan mechanism to optimize performance.The analysis of high bypass ratio engines details and their advantages, while addressing challenges in thermal management and cooling. The study successfully proposes a conceptual design for a variable pitch angle fan, demonstrating its potential to adapt to varying flight conditions and enhance overall engine efficiency.The findings suggest integrate innovative cooling, sealing technologies, and advanced control systems can significantly improve performance. The proposed variable pitch angle fan mechanism shows promising results in optimizing engine efficiency. This thesis concludes that the implementation of these advancements can achieve a notable increase in gas turbine engine efficiency, contributing to the advancement of aviation technology. Future research should continue to refine these solutions and explore additional methods to enhance engine performance.

Author: Andrejs Kazanli

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Estimating Generalised Transport Costs of Road Freight Transportation in the Baltic Sea Region

This problem of estimating road transport costs in the Baltic Sea region is important for optimising cargo delivery expenses in local transportation and manufacturing sectors. The study incorporates a wider range of economic and logistical factors beyond the usual metrics of physical distance and travel time by using Generalised Transport Costs (GTC). Important factors like geodesic and road distances, travel times, fuel consumption, labor costs, tolls, and other overheads are identified. We utilise a unique dataset that analyses trips between centroids within each NUTS-2 region.The study confirms the GTC model by comparing calculated costs with established database values. Regression analysis uncovers key factors affecting transport costs, such as road distance, travel time, and tolls.Network analysis is used to map the routes in the region, focusing on finding paths that are both cost-effective and time-efficient. The analysis shows how small changes in routes can have a big impact on costs and efficiency.In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the knowledge of road freight transport costs in the Baltic Sea region, offering valuable insights for policymakers and logistics companies.

Author: Angelīna Ņekļudova

Supervisor: Francesco Maria Turno

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Remote control of a robot manipulator by tracking human hand motion and gestures

Šī darba mērķis ir izveidot televadības sistēmu manipulatora robotam, izmantojot roku žestus un pozas. Tajā būs iekļauta žestu bibliotēka, lai interpretētu roku žestus un nosūtītu komandas robotam. Šī pieeja atvieglotu un paātrinātu mijiedarbību ar robotizētām sistēmām, padarot nepieciešamas minimālas sarežģītas ievades ierīces un plašas apmācības prasības.

Author: Antons Tjurins

Supervisor: Emmanuel Alejandro Merchan Cruz

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Robotics


Application of innovative technologies to organize control over the movement of freight transport.

Bachelor work: „Application of innovative technologies to organize control over the movement of freight transport”.Author of the paper: Anzelika Davidova.Scientific supervisor: Lecturer (program director), Mg. oec. Aleksandrs Kotļars.Paper for obtaining the degree: „Transport and Business Logistics”.The research goal: The goal of this thesis is to develop recommendations for optimizing freight transport traffic control by analyzing innovative technologies such as blockchain, IoT, autonomous vehicles, and ICT.Research object: Management and organization of freight transport traffic control systems.Research subject: Application of blockchain technology to enhance and innovate freight transport traffic control systems.Chapter 1: The role and importance of freight transport in business and entrepreneurship, including its importance in supply chain management and economic contribution.Chapter 2: Analysis of freight transport, with an emphasis on its efficiency, the situation in Latvia and environmental aspects.Chapter 3: Application of innovative technologies in the field of freight transportation, including automated vehicles, autonomous drones and blockchain.

Author: Anželika Davidova

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Kotļars

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

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