Improvement of Logistics Sector in Uzbekistan Through Integration of Smart Technologies

The primary aim of this research paper is to comprehensively evaluate the integration of smart technologies in Uzbekistan's logistics sector. For achieving the research aim the author used a mixed method combining both qualitative and quantitative. As for the primary data, the author of the research used a survey among professionals in logistics and potential users to understand their awareness, perceived benefits, and concerns regarding smart technology integration in Uzbekistan. At the end of the research based on the results the author provides conclusions and recommendations on the integration of smart technologies in Uzbekistan's logistics sector

Author: Otabek Usmanov

Supervisor: Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Improvment the warehouse of a household goods store

ABSTRACTTitle of the thesis: Improvement of Warehouse Operations in a Household Goods StoreAuthor: Rita VītoliņaSupervisor: Professor, Dr. oec. Inna StecenkoScope of the thesis: 82 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures, 18 sources of literature, 4 appendicesKeywords: warehouse, analysis, store, goods, optimizationResearch object: Warehouse of A/S "Drogas" storeResearch subject: Possibilities for improving internal logistics processes in the warehouseResearch methods: Literature analysis – review of theoretical sources on warehouse management, logistics, and inventory control. Empirical analysis – data collection and evaluation of warehouse efficiency. Comparative analysis – comparison of different warehouse process management models. Mathematical analysis – calculation and interpretation of quantitative indicators of warehouse performance.Results and conclusions:The study revealed that improving warehouse operations significantly enhances not only product availability and work efficiency but also increases employee satisfaction. These factors, in turn, contribute to better customer service and improve the store’s competitiveness in the market.

Author: Rita Vītoliņa

Supervisor: Inna Stecenko

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2025

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Transport and Logistics


Developing and testing strategies to reduce inventory in the finished goods warehouse

The work is devoted to the problem of reducing the level of inventory in the finished goods warehouse of an industrial enterprise. This problem is urgent, because today there are no universal mathematical models or algorithms that can be applied to any enterprise without any changes. This problem belongs to the area of inventory management, but its specificity is that only own-produced products enter the warehouse. The theoretical part of the work gives an overview of methods of inventory management and organisation of production, in which most of the products belong to the category “for the warehouse”. The main content of the work is an experimental study of a dynamic inventory management method based on short-term commodity demand forecast analysis. Decisions on the size and timing of replenishment of the warehouse are made using a specially developed algorithm. The paper describes the stages of creation, verification and application of a simulation model, which is used to study the dynamics of stock in the warehouse during a year in a company that produces plastic profiles for window constructions. As a result of simulation experiments, an algorithm was found, using which the maximum stock level is the lowest and differs from competing variants by 20-50 percent.

Author: Valdis Gūtmanis

Supervisor: Jurijs Tolujevs

Degree: Master

Year: 2025

Work Language: Latvian

Customer Acquisition methods in transport service companies

The aim of Diploma thesis is to analyze customer acquisition methods in logistics industry, thereby proposing suggestions for its improvement. Diploma thesis tasks are to explore the theoretical aspects of customer acquisition. Interview companies in transport and logistics service industry. Perform a survey of DSV Latvia sales representatives. Conduct a consumer survey on customer acquisition methods. Draw conclusions and develop proposals on customer acquisition methods for the company DSV Latvia.First chapter of the thesis compiles the customer acquisition methods. Second chapter describes the activities of DSV Latvia. Chapter three analyzes the results of the surveys and interviews. The thesis concludes with conclusions and proposals for the use of customer acquisition methods for transport and logistics service companies.The research methods include literature analysis, interviews, and surveys. Achieved results - customer acquisition methods have been explored. Customer acquisition methods have been identified within the company DSV Latvia. It has been determined what customer acquisition methods other transport and logistics service companies use. Proposals have been developed for the use of customer acquisition methods for transport and logistics service companies.

Author: Ērika Giberte

Supervisor: Renāte Indrika

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

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