Implementation of Variable Pitch Angle Fan Blades on Gas Turbine Engine

This diploma thesis explores methods to enhance the efficiency of gas turbine engines with a focus on high bypass ratio engines. The study is structured around three objectives: (1) reviewing the principles, and advancements of gas turbine engines, (2) analyzing the design features and challenges of high bypass ratio engines, and (3) developing a variable pitch angle fan mechanism to optimize performance.The analysis of high bypass ratio engines details and their advantages, while addressing challenges in thermal management and cooling. The study successfully proposes a conceptual design for a variable pitch angle fan, demonstrating its potential to adapt to varying flight conditions and enhance overall engine efficiency.The findings suggest integrate innovative cooling, sealing technologies, and advanced control systems can significantly improve performance. The proposed variable pitch angle fan mechanism shows promising results in optimizing engine efficiency. This thesis concludes that the implementation of these advancements can achieve a notable increase in gas turbine engine efficiency, contributing to the advancement of aviation technology. Future research should continue to refine these solutions and explore additional methods to enhance engine performance.

Author: Andrejs Kazanli

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Remote control of a robot manipulator by tracking human hand motion and gestures

Šī darba mērķis ir izveidot televadības sistēmu manipulatora robotam, izmantojot roku žestus un pozas. Tajā būs iekļauta žestu bibliotēka, lai interpretētu roku žestus un nosūtītu komandas robotam. Šī pieeja atvieglotu un paātrinātu mijiedarbību ar robotizētām sistēmām, padarot nepieciešamas minimālas sarežģītas ievades ierīces un plašas apmācības prasības.

Author: Antons Tjurins

Supervisor: Emmanuel Alejandro Merchan Cruz

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Robotics


The use of a multi-fenestron tail rotor system on a helicopter to improve flight safety

Safety of helicopter tail rotor flights depends largely on the reliability of the tail rotor control system. Tail rotor damage and failure in many cases can lead to catastrophic consequences. Helicopters having a fenestron have certain advantages over helicopters having a conventional tail rotor in terms of safety and reliability, but failure of the fenestron can also lead to catastrophic consequences. In order to improve the safety and reliability of a helicopter that has a tail rotor to compensate the reactive torque of the main rotor, a multi-fenestron control system is proposed in this undergraduate work. Within the framework of this work, conceptual design of the helicopter with multi-fenestration system, which has features, and as a result, an algorithm for designing a helicopter with multi-fenestration system was developed. In this work, also evaluated the level of improvement of safety and reliability of the helicopter with a multi-fenestration system in comparison with the traditional scheme, calculations showed the provision of a high level of reliability for a sufficiently long operating period.

Author: Artjoms Gudkovs

Supervisor: Sergey Yunusov

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Logistics management improvement in the FedEx company

The research goal: to analyze the impact of technological enhancements, specifically the introduction of the CWC system, on the operational efficiency of FedEx Latvia.Research object: FedEx Latvia.Research subject: the enhancement of logistics management practices.Chapter 1 provides an overview of traditional logistics management practices at FedEx Latvia and outlines the initial challenges and inefficiencies encountered.Chapter 2 examines the implementation and outcomes of the CWC system, focusing on the improvements in package scanning processes, error reduction, and operational speed.Chapter 3 explores potential future technological enhancements, analyzing their feasibility, expected benefits, and possible challenges in the context of FedEx Latvia's ongoing operational needs.This thesis aims to provide comprehensive insights into the transformation of logistics management practices at FedEx Latvia through technological advancements, assessing both the immediate and long-term impacts on the company's efficiency and operational costs.

Author: Artjoms Koreckis

Supervisor: Irina Kuzmina-Merlino

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Resilience of startups emerging from incubators: factors for successful long-term

The bachelor thesis consists of 3 chapters which provide constructive overview of current Latvian innovation market situation and descries the phenomenon of startup, also defining the factors of success and present the picture of project BUSEE.The first chapter defines the concept of startup and innovation activity. Providing the list of development and lifecycle of startup project. The activity of startup in different sectors were noted. And finally, examination of current trends in startup development industry.Second chapter in other case stands for brief description of Latvian innovation environment. Also covering the role of the government, private sector, and academic sphere in supporting innovation. Identifying the key factors of success and obstacles for startups and analyzing the afterwards The last chapter is defining the factors of sustainable development of the startup project BUSEE by providing complete overview of goals, tasks, and project stages, financial justification and project risk management. Additionally, assessing the project's contribution to innovation development in Latvia and showing paths for further development of project BUSEE.

Author: Artjoms Čubs

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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