Risks Factors Affecting Transparency of Trading Activities in Financial Market

Research goal is to determine the risk factors affecting the transparency of trading activities of financial institutions in financial markets.Research object is transparency of trading activities in the financial market.Research subject is risk factors’ effect on trading activities of financial institutions.Chapter 1 provides an overview of the financial industry in Latvia.Chapter 2 covers theoretical review of risk management and market transparency of trading activities in the financial sector.Chapter 3 chapter is analytical and provides information about the risks affecting market transparency in trading operations.

Author: Aleksandra Fesjuka

Supervisor: Jeļena Popova

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Change management in catering companies in the context of the digital economy

The first chapter describes that based on digital platforms as the main factor of production, labor relations and labor functions are being transformed. In the modern economy, various industries and activities are being transformed, new industries are being formed, based only on the use of new technologies.The second chapter describes that the catering sector is very competitive in the Latvian market. In the context of transformation of the labor market, there are changes in the requirements for employees, which are associated with their personal development and desire for personal growth. Digitalization is transforming existing jobs, requiring workers to have new skills to perform new tasks, requiring continuous training.The third chapter describes that in a market economy, digital business transformation can drive growth, productivity and competitiveness. Digitalization allows us to minimize the risk of human error and free up specialists’ time to solve more important issues.The fourth chapter analyzes the main activities and problem areas of the enterprise, analyzes and proposes promising concepts for personnel management of an existing enterprise in the Latvian public catering market, since in modern changing conditions personnel are the key asset of the enterprise.

Author: Alīna Uļjanovska

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Resilience of startups emerging from incubators: factors for successful long-term

The bachelor thesis consists of 3 chapters which provide constructive overview of current Latvian innovation market situation and descries the phenomenon of startup, also defining the factors of success and present the picture of project BUSEE.The first chapter defines the concept of startup and innovation activity. Providing the list of development and lifecycle of startup project. The activity of startup in different sectors were noted. And finally, examination of current trends in startup development industry.Second chapter in other case stands for brief description of Latvian innovation environment. Also covering the role of the government, private sector, and academic sphere in supporting innovation. Identifying the key factors of success and obstacles for startups and analyzing the afterwards The last chapter is defining the factors of sustainable development of the startup project BUSEE by providing complete overview of goals, tasks, and project stages, financial justification and project risk management. Additionally, assessing the project's contribution to innovation development in Latvia and showing paths for further development of project BUSEE.

Author: Artjoms Čubs

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Impact of Time Management in Organizing the Events

The thesis is devoted to the study of the organization of events and factors of effective time management, as well as practical applications for its improvement. The thesis considers the history of development of the main concepts and theories of time management, as well as psychological aspects related to effective work with time. Attention is paid to the tools and technologies of time management. Their impact on current and future trends in event management productivity is examined; the results of the research are presented in this paper, followed by conclusions and suggestions for improving time management in small event management companies.The study consists of Introduction, 3 Chapters, Conclusions, Recommendations.Chapter 1 is devoted to the concept, tools and practices of time management, discovered based on scientific articles.Chapter 2 comprises the analysis of event-organising market in Latvia, including the analysis of small companies.Chapter 3 deals with analysis of interviews with managers of event-organising companies and survey of customers.Conclusions were done on the basis of literature study and empirical analysis.Recommendations to the managers of small event-organising companies on time management of events were done on the basis of drawn conclusion.

Author: Dmitrijs Semešins

Supervisor: Jeļena Popova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Digital Marketing Strategy of a Company

1. THEORETICAL BASIS OF DIGITAL MARKETING.In this section is methodological and theoretical foundations of digital marketing. The introduction to this area starts by looking at the key elements of digital marketing. Also, the author analyses digital marketing strategies such as content marketing, SEO, contextual advertising, social media strategies, etc. 2. DIGITAL MARKETING OF STREAMING SERVICES.This topic gives a brief introduction to the top music streaming services worldwide, their brief description, and features. The section also shows statistics on the selected market.3. EMPIRICAL STUDY: BEST PRACTICES.This section includes: Researching and analysing the best digital marketing strategies for streaming services, and comparing the performance of the strategies between companies.4. RESULTS.In this section, the survey and the results of the survey, startup trend mining analysis and table with compared results.

Author: Eduards Aņisimovs

Supervisor: Olga Zervina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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