Title Supervisor Degree
Master 2024
Faculty: Transport and Management Faculty

Study programme: Business and Management


Bachelor 2024
Faculty: Transport and Management Faculty

Study programme: Business and Management


Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into Human Resource Management processes presents an evolving domain of exploration and practical application. The widespread adoption of AI technologies presents the potential for significant transformations in products, innovation processes and business models. The research aim is to develop a framework for effective use of AI in Human Resource Management. The subject of the research is AI-based solutions in Human Resource Management. The object of the research is Human Resource Management processes in an enterprise.A multifaceted research approach was used to scrutinize the effective utilization of AI in HRM: Literature review, Case Studies, Employee Surveys, Interviews with HR experts.During this research, the author highlighted aspects of contemporary HRM that can be improved using AI technologies; made a list of the recommended practices for integrating AI-based solutions into HRM; developed a framework for AI tools implementation and found out that HR experts’ and employees’ overall perspective on AI within HRM appears optimistic.This research holds both theoretical and practical significance, driving advancements in theoretical knowledge, informing organizational practices, and shaping the future of work in the digital age.

Author: Ana Enache

Supervisor: Yulia Stukalina

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Analysis of changes in consumer behavior and their impact on business model improvement

Bachelor thesis “Analysis of changes in consumer behavior and their impact on business model improvement”. Author: Margarita Lazuta. Scientific supervisor: Mg. oec., lecturer Oksana Skorobogatova.Thesis for the Bachelor's degree in “Business and Management”. The thesis contains 67 pages, 28 images, 4 tables, 56 literature sources were used and there are 2 appendices.In the firth part are overviewed the most popular business models and consumer behavior trends from the theoretical point of view.In the second part were researched the economic indicators of the catering market in Latvia. A survey was done to study consumer needs and were overviewed the marketing strategies which are used by public catering companies in Latvia.The third part were analyzed the company’s “Lage Ltd SIA” and their restaurant “Gan Bei” formation and development.In the fourth part author propose new strategy for to improve the company’s “Lage Ltd SIA” in the restaurant “Gan Bei” already existing business model by adapting it to consumer preferences.In the end of the paper, the conclusion of the research result described and are offered recommendations to the company to improve existing business model to better meet consumer needs.

Author: Margarita Lazuta

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


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