Application of machine learning in decision support system

The aim of the work is to improve the accuracy of predicting wait times in an existing queue management system using machine learning. Client-provided data was analyzed, and models were trained using various machine learning algorithms. Performance measures of the models were collected, and the best one was selected. Additionally, software and a database were developed to manage the training process and evaluate the quality of the models. The quality of the software was assessed using industry-standard methodologies and tested.

Author: Jevgēnijs Nikolajevs

Supervisor: Jeļena Kijonoka

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


CNN-Based pipeline-related artifact and damage recognition in IHC staining as preprocessing step for pathological analysis

This work proposes automated solution for artifact and damage segmentation in biomedical images using machine learning algorithms. The development process includes data preprocessing, label classification using a clustering algorithm and segmentation model. CNN architectures like YOLO and U-NET are utilized for segmentation, and K-Means and DBSC algorithms are evaluated for clustering. The outcomes include a set of data preprocessing precodures, clustering algorithm testing and results analysis, segmentation model and recommendations for further development.

Author: Taisija Kožarina

Supervisor: Jeļena Kijonoka

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


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