Adapting mobility points to users' cultural and psychological characteristics : approaches to improve the user experience

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine user satisfaction with mobility points in Riga, with a particular focus on psychological and cultural factors influencing the public transport experience. The study's relevance is determined by the rapid development of Riga’s infrastructure and the growing demand for public transport, which requires the creation of effective mobility points that meet user needs. The theoretical part analyzes the terms "mobility point" and "transport hub", their definitions, classifications, and the psychological and cultural factors affecting user satisfaction. In the practical part, a survey of Riga residents was conducted to identify key factors influencing transport choices and mobility point usage. Additionally, the "Bērnu slimnīca" (Children’s Hospital) mobility point was analyzed to assess its infrastructure quality and integration with other transport modes. A comparison with international mobility points was carried out to identify best practices and adaptable solutions for the local context. Based on the findings, recommendations for improving mobility points were developed, considering not only technical and logistical aspects but also user psychological and cultural needs.

Author: Elīna Troicka

Supervisor: Evelīna Budiloviča

Degree: Master

Year: 2025

Work Language: Latvian

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