Title Supervisor Degree
Bachelor 2024
Faculty: Transport and Management Faculty

Study programme: Business and Management


Bachelor 2024
Faculty: Transport and Management Faculty

Study programme: Business and Management


Factors affecting customer loyalty in the logistics service

In this study the author conducted a survey among 68 employees of different companies, 31 of them representing logistics companies and 37 employees of companies that are users of these services in order to analyze the obtained data using the PLS-SEM method and to identify the key factors affecting the formation of customer loyalty. Based on the identified factors the author proposes a concept of measures to increase customer loyalty of small road freight transportation companies in Latvia.Chapter 1 provides theoretical information on the process of selecting a logistics service provider and a description of the factors used in this process. The basics of the creation of customer loyalty and measures to increase it were also considered.Chapter 2 includes the analysis of the freight transportation market in Latvia, analysis of logistics companies in Latvia and analysis of the data obtained from the survey.Chapter 3 contains a statistical model showing the most important factors affecting customer loyalty of logistic companies. Based on the statistical model, a concept of measures to increase customer loyalty of small logistics companies is proposed.

Author: Artūrs Emīls Zelčs

Supervisor: Jeļena Popova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Impact of Time Management in Organizing the Events

The thesis is devoted to the study of the organization of events and factors of effective time management, as well as practical applications for its improvement. The thesis considers the history of development of the main concepts and theories of time management, as well as psychological aspects related to effective work with time. Attention is paid to the tools and technologies of time management. Their impact on current and future trends in event management productivity is examined; the results of the research are presented in this paper, followed by conclusions and suggestions for improving time management in small event management companies.The study consists of Introduction, 3 Chapters, Conclusions, Recommendations.Chapter 1 is devoted to the concept, tools and practices of time management, discovered based on scientific articles.Chapter 2 comprises the analysis of event-organising market in Latvia, including the analysis of small companies.Chapter 3 deals with analysis of interviews with managers of event-organising companies and survey of customers.Conclusions were done on the basis of literature study and empirical analysis.Recommendations to the managers of small event-organising companies on time management of events were done on the basis of drawn conclusion.

Author: Dmitrijs Semešins

Supervisor: Jeļena Popova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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