Development of a Decentralized Payment Platform Using Blockchain Technology for E-Commerce Applications

The present bachelor paper deals with a decentralized system based on smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain to facilitate payments in stable coins between customers and merchants. Defined requirements to e-commerce platform to integrate the platform, designed, implemented and tested the payment system solution based on blockchain technology.

Author: Aleksejs Korņejevs

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Development of Project Management Assistance Software Enhanced with Generative AI Technologies.

This thesis explores the practical value of applying Generative Artificial Intelligence in project management software to enhance a manager's work. The aim is to evaluate the efficiency and impact of GenAI on project management processes. The research begins with a review of existing academic and industry literature on integrating AI in project management. This is followed by detailed case study analyses of instances where AI has been integrated into project management tools. The Software Development Life Cycle methodology is used to develop and test the software, incorporating a prototyping phase to explore and validate concepts before full-scale development.The results of this study include creating a GenAI-powered software that significantly speeds up the staff selection process for projects by matching project requirements with personnel skills. The findings indicate that the developed software effectively leverages GenAI technologies to enhance the project management process, simplify managerial tasks and contribute to more efficient and accurate decision-making processes. This research highlights the potential of GenAI to transform project management practices and drive future innovations.

Author: Pāvels Kulajevs

Supervisor: Aleksejs Vesjolijs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Research on Software Development Aspects Using node.js Technology

To explore the aspects of software development, an application was created using Node.js and NestJS to build a REST API. This API integrates Google Natural Language AI to analyze submitted user reviews. The application includes multiple REST API endpoints that can process, analyze, and aggregate user review data. Performance measurements were conducted, analyzing event loop latency, memory and CPU usage, and other key metrics. MongoDB was used for data storage. The work also includes API and its performance evaluation. The system was tested to ensure it meets the set criteria and provides practical application.

Author: Valērijs Sergejevs

Supervisor: Mihails Savrasovs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


Shooter game development using Unity

This bachelor's thesis revolves around exploring the development of a game in the shoot 'em up (SHMUP) genre by using C# scripting in Unity. The project's aim is to understand the challenges faced by indie developers and the game creation process itself. This is achieved through implementing core mechanics, designing user-friendly interfaces, creating diverse levels, optimizing performance, and conducting playtesting. The resulting product serves as a practical example of applying fundamental gaming algorithms while providing insights into indie game development.

Author: Vladislavs Jevstifejevs

Supervisor: Irina Pticina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


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