Evaluation of Personnel Training System in an Organization

Personnel training is crucial for enhancing organizational performance and achieving strategic objectives. Evaluating training programs involves analyzing the knowledge gained, skills acquired, and overall employee development. This evaluation helps determine whether financial investments in training are justified and predicts the rationality of further investments.This research aims to evaluate training programs in airlines, focusing on their unique training systems and developing recommendations for improvement. The study has three main objectives:• Explore theoretical aspects of personnel training systems in modern enterprises, emphasizing the concept of a learning organization.• Analyze and evaluate existing personnel training programs through case studies of two organizations.• Develop recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of personnel training systems.The analysis of theoretical aspects and existing training systems highlights current strengths and weaknesses. Based on these insights, specific recommendations have been developed to improve personnel training programs. These guide HR managers in optimizing training practices and fostering continuous improvement, enhancing individual performance, and contributing to the organization's strategic objectives.

Author: Aaliyah Lyubov Mikhaylova

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Best practices for enhancing customer centricity through digital solutions

The first part of the thesis considers the concept of a customer-centric approach and the best practices of digital solutions for achieving this approach through an improved customer experience.In the second part of the thesis, the data-driven decision-making method is discussed, as well as the existing tools for analysing data and matrices for evaluating customer success. Furthermore, it examines the successful implementation of digital solutions to enhance customer experience at companies such as Netflix and Spotify.The third part of the thesis is devoted to an analysis of the Latvian online food delivery market. The analysis includes an examination of the current market situation, the identification and comparison of the main players on the market, and an identification of the needs and expectations of users. In the fourth part of the thesis, the findings of the previous sections are used to identify the best practices for digital solutions to improve the customer experience in online food delivery applications. In addition, the possible aspects to meet user needs are identified and recommendations are made.

Author: Alisa Purviņa

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Company Ekl/Ls Ltd personnel selection and recruitment system's procedure improvement

Company Ekl/Ls Ltd personnel selection and recruitment system's procedure improvement.The aim of the paper is to collect information on the process of search, attraction and selection of personnel, to identify the shortcomings of the process of search and selection of personnel on the example of EKL/LS Ltd. and to provide recommendations for their improvement.In accordance with the aim of the work, the following tasks were set:To look at the theoretical foundations of recruitment and selectionTo identify the characteristics of EKL/LS Ltd.To analyse the management system of EKL/LS Ltd.To analyse the recruitment and selection system of EKL/LS Ltd.Identify the main problems in recruitment and selection at EKL/LS Ltd.Develop recommendations for improving the recruitment and selection system at EKL/LS Ltd.

Author: Anastasija Horoļska

Supervisor: Tamila Mišāne

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Business and Management


Development of Decision Support Tool for Transport Forwarding Company Operating within Netherlands and Italy

This paper investigates the development of a decision support tool for a Latvian transportation company operating in the Dutch and Italian markets. Models and algorithms for optimizing freight routes using Excel and Python are included. Digitalization of logistics processes is recognized as a key to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Two methods for solving the traveling salesman problem were examined and compared: Excel with Solver and Python with the NetworkX library.The methodology involved collecting data from Google My Maps, creating Excel spreadsheets, and developing Python software to automate route optimization. The results showed that both methods improved route planning, reducing time and cost, as well as reducing carbon footprint.The study emphasizes the importance of integrating technologies such as machine learning and big data into logistics to increase flexibility and adaptability. Recommendations were offered to further improve and implement these technologies for sustainable business development and increased competitiveness in international markets.

Author: Anastasija Škaduna

Supervisor: Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Development of web application for a gym

Bachelor's thesis is devoted to the development of a unique web application for a gym, which will be competitive in the Latvian market. Within the framework of the project, a web application is being developed, including a server part based on Python language, as well as a client part using such languages as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The key features of the developed application are integration with artificial intelligence ChatGPT and integration with the third-party application Telegram. Artificial intelligence in this work is presented in the form of chatbot technical support and chatbot online trainer, as well as used to create individual training programmes for each client.The main goal of the work is to create a unique product that has no analogues in the Latvian market, which will significantly improve the experience of gym customers and contribute to the achievement of each client's goals. During the development process testing was performed, which confirmed the successful integration of all components of the application. Based on the testing results, recommendations for further development of the web application are offered.

Author: Andrejs Glušenoks

Supervisor: Olga Dribeņeca

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


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