Evaluation of Personnel Training System in an Organization

Personnel training is crucial for enhancing organizational performance and achieving strategic objectives. Evaluating training programs involves analyzing the knowledge gained, skills acquired, and overall employee development. This evaluation helps determine whether financial investments in training are justified and predicts the rationality of further investments.This research aims to evaluate training programs in airlines, focusing on their unique training systems and developing recommendations for improvement. The study has three main objectives:• Explore theoretical aspects of personnel training systems in modern enterprises, emphasizing the concept of a learning organization.• Analyze and evaluate existing personnel training programs through case studies of two organizations.• Develop recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of personnel training systems.The analysis of theoretical aspects and existing training systems highlights current strengths and weaknesses. Based on these insights, specific recommendations have been developed to improve personnel training programs. These guide HR managers in optimizing training practices and fostering continuous improvement, enhancing individual performance, and contributing to the organization's strategic objectives.

Author: Aaliyah Lyubov Mikhaylova

Supervisor: Ishgalei Ishmuhametov

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Change management in catering companies in the context of the digital economy

The first chapter describes that based on digital platforms as the main factor of production, labor relations and labor functions are being transformed. In the modern economy, various industries and activities are being transformed, new industries are being formed, based only on the use of new technologies.The second chapter describes that the catering sector is very competitive in the Latvian market. In the context of transformation of the labor market, there are changes in the requirements for employees, which are associated with their personal development and desire for personal growth. Digitalization is transforming existing jobs, requiring workers to have new skills to perform new tasks, requiring continuous training.The third chapter describes that in a market economy, digital business transformation can drive growth, productivity and competitiveness. Digitalization allows us to minimize the risk of human error and free up specialists’ time to solve more important issues.The fourth chapter analyzes the main activities and problem areas of the enterprise, analyzes and proposes promising concepts for personnel management of an existing enterprise in the Latvian public catering market, since in modern changing conditions personnel are the key asset of the enterprise.

Author: Alīna Uļjanovska

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Credit risk management in the banking sector of Azerbaijan.

This thesis examines credit risk management (CRM) practices in the banking sector of Azerbaijan with a focus on the application and effectiveness of international and local standards in credit risk management. The study begins by defining credit risk and discussing its importance in maintaining financial stability in banks. Various theoretical models of credit risk measurement, including traditional and modern approaches, are reviewed and their applicability in the Azerbaijani context is assessed. An in-depth analysis of credit risk management in a commercial bank (Kapital Bank) is conducted and differences in risk exposure and management strategies are identified. The study also critically analyzes the adoption and implementation of the Basel Accords (Basel I, II and III) in Azerbaijani banks and compares these international standards with local practices. The findings reveal significant differences in Kapital Bank's CRM practices as well as divergence in the implementation of the Basel standards. The thesis concludes with recommendations aimed at improving the regulatory framework and CRM practices to enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of credit risk management at Kapital Bank.

Author: Fatima Aghali

Supervisor: Jekaterina Vestermane

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management



The military has a problem in developing the most sophisticated flying wings due to the relevance of tailless aircraft in military applications and the ongoing advancements in the aviation sector. This study paper delves into the extensive history of tailless aircraft, covering everything from their inception to the most cutting-edge designs available today. To develop in control systems, especially fly-by-wire technology, tailless designs are now more practical for commercial use since they are more stable and easier to handle than they were in the past. The main goals of this research are to assess the current literature on important parts of tailless aircraft technology and provide a thorough plan for their commercial deployment.The improved splitter increases the velocity by 40 m/s, although the obtained maximum velocity distribution across the aircraft was 29.3 m/s at the rear end. As a result, the aircraft is designed with higher lift and reduced drag, allowing for smoother flight in a variety of applications.Around 53% of the lift force generated is enhanced by redesigned designs. Based on the results of the study, the aircraft with the improved design had a higher lift force and reduced drag by dividing the airflow.

Author: George Mathew

Supervisor: Adham Ahmed Awad Elsayed Elmenshawy

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Aspects of the modern frameworks of employment

The first part of the thesis considers the concept of variations in aspects of modern employment and its peculiarities. In addition, the genesis of the most important historical events that changed the history of global employment is provided.The second part of the thesis describes the concept of hybrid employment, its meaning, and its role in modern employment.The third part of the thesis examines the general use of hybrid employment models by employers in Latvia. In addition, relying on expert data, a decision-making method using already existing data processing methods. The data obtained in the work are used to conclude the application of the hybrid work method in Latvia to improve the experience of both employers and employees in this field.

Author: Valērija Makšanova

Supervisor: Veronika Siliņeviča

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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