Improvement of machine leaning algorithms performance by data set dimensionality reduction using cellular automata

A significant challenge in Machine Learning is dealing with high-dimensional data. Complexity knowns as the "curse of dimensionality" results in deterioration оf Machine Learning algorithms performance as the dimensionality and dataset size increases. Cellular automata are a dynamical discrete computational system with mathematical functions knows as rules that result in complex global behaviour. We used one-dimensional elementary cellular automata as a tool for dataset size. Model variables were selected for initial status vector generation and its further transformation to format that is suitable for cellular automata rules application known in cellular automata theory as configuration. Then model iterated through all possible cellular automata rules and various epochs variations were applied. Model performance for reduced dataset was compared with benchmark results of original dataset after standard dimensionality reduction technics used. It was concluded that applied cellular automata rules can be used as alternative methods for dataset size reduction without deteriorating model performance.

Author: Alexey Kuchvalskiy

Supervisor: Dmitry Pavlyuk

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Sciences


Development of Decision Support Tool for Transport Forwarding Company Operating within Netherlands and Italy

This paper investigates the development of a decision support tool for a Latvian transportation company operating in the Dutch and Italian markets. Models and algorithms for optimizing freight routes using Excel and Python are included. Digitalization of logistics processes is recognized as a key to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Two methods for solving the traveling salesman problem were examined and compared: Excel with Solver and Python with the NetworkX library.The methodology involved collecting data from Google My Maps, creating Excel spreadsheets, and developing Python software to automate route optimization. The results showed that both methods improved route planning, reducing time and cost, as well as reducing carbon footprint.The study emphasizes the importance of integrating technologies such as machine learning and big data into logistics to increase flexibility and adaptability. Recommendations were offered to further improve and implement these technologies for sustainable business development and increased competitiveness in international markets.

Author: Anastasija Škaduna

Supervisor: Berdymyrat Ovezmyradov

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Application development designed to produce synthetic data

The work is dedicated to the generation of tabular synthetic data. The aim of the work is to develop software that allows generating synthetic data that meets the customer's requirements related to the generation of data for student training tasks. To achieve this goal, software was developed that allow the generation of synthetic data based on rules, copulas, and machine learning algorithms. The result of the work is tested software that fully meets the customer's requirements. The software can be used to create tasks for student assignments related to regression analysis and other tasks.

Author: Ilona Pilnikova

Supervisor: Nadežda Spiridovska

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2025

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Unsupervised machine learning approach for hierarchical graph-based representation of natural language text collections.

Managing big data efficiently is important in various fields, much so when data consists of human-written documents. Recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly LLMs, allowed to solve many task in this domain, despite the high demand for labelled data, compute resources and specialized skills.To tackle these limitations, current study proposed a NLP pipeline to identify topic hierarchies in collections of scientific publications. The work focused on evaluation of available unsupervised machine learning methods and quality metrics in NLP, and development of visualization techniques to build a prototype of the pipeline.Proposed solution is based on the hARTM approach optimized for interpretability. It demonstrated the capacity to infer human-interpretable topic hierarchies from collections of scientific texts and construct meaningful hierarchy of topic-based document representations. The visualization approaches rely on MDS to present inter-document similarity and Sankey plots to show document cluster relatedness within topic hierarchy.Utility was demonstrated on two datasets, focusing on interpretability and meaning of the topic hierarchy and associated topic definitions. Potential application areas include personal education and scientific writing.

Author: Jevgenijs Bodrenko

Supervisor: Irina Jackiva

Degree: Master

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Sciences


Application of machine learning in decision support system

The aim of the work is to improve the accuracy of predicting wait times in an existing queue management system using machine learning. Client-provided data was analyzed, and models were trained using various machine learning algorithms. Performance measures of the models were collected, and the best one was selected. Additionally, software and a database were developed to manage the training process and evaluate the quality of the models. The quality of the software was assessed using industry-standard methodologies and tested.

Author: Jevgēnijs Nikolajevs

Supervisor: Jeļena Kijonoka

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


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