Comparative analysis of RPL protocol objective functions impact on energy consumption in low-power and lossy networks

This bachelor thesis explores the impact of different RPL protocol objective functions on energy consumption in low-power and lossy networks. Given the critical role of low-power and lossy networks in applications like environmental monitoring, industrial automation, and smart cities, optimising energy consumption is paramount. Using the Contiki-NG operating system and the Cooja network simulator, this study conducts a comparative analysis of two primary objective functions: Objective Function Zero and Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function. Simulations are performed under 18 network scenarios including different node densities (10, 30, 50), node positioning, and receive ratios. The findings indicate that Objective Function Zero generally consumes less energy, particularly in high-density networks and environments with high packet delivery ratios. Conversely, Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function may be more suitable for dynamic and unpredictable environments despite its higher energy consumption. This research offers practical recommendations for selecting objective functions to optimise the energy consumption of constrained networks, contributing to the development of more sustainable IoT solutions.

Author: Deniss Bogdans

Supervisor: Jeļena Baranova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Alternative energy sources in Latvia and their impact on social well-being.

Rapid climate change as well as the geopolitical situation in the world are encouraging the spread and development of "green" energy sources not only at a national level but also in the household sector. This is why alternative energy sources have become increasingly popular in recent years.This study shows the use of alternative energy sources in Latvia and the Baltic States, their patterns, and development opportunities. The results of the analysis of the statistical databases of the Baltic countries show the trends towards alternative energy sources in recent years.The study has highlighted the importance of improving the energy efficiency of buildings alongside the increasing trend towards alternative energy sources and the support programs that have been set up for this purpose. This Research is based on plans, regulations, and laws to increase the use of alternative energy sources and reduce gas emissions.This study evaluates the impact of the development and deployment of alternative energy sources on households and the benefits they can gain.

Author: Roberts Andrejevs

Supervisor: Veronika Siliņeviča

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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