Development of a Decentralized Payment Platform Using Blockchain Technology for E-Commerce Applications

The present bachelor paper deals with a decentralized system based on smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain to facilitate payments in stable coins between customers and merchants. Defined requirements to e-commerce platform to integrate the platform, designed, implemented and tested the payment system solution based on blockchain technology.

Author: Aleksejs Korņejevs

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Development of web application for a gym

Bachelor's thesis is devoted to the development of a unique web application for a gym, which will be competitive in the Latvian market. Within the framework of the project, a web application is being developed, including a server part based on Python language, as well as a client part using such languages as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The key features of the developed application are integration with artificial intelligence ChatGPT and integration with the third-party application Telegram. Artificial intelligence in this work is presented in the form of chatbot technical support and chatbot online trainer, as well as used to create individual training programmes for each client.The main goal of the work is to create a unique product that has no analogues in the Latvian market, which will significantly improve the experience of gym customers and contribute to the achievement of each client's goals. During the development process testing was performed, which confirmed the successful integration of all components of the application. Based on the testing results, recommendations for further development of the web application are offered.

Author: Andrejs Glušenoks

Supervisor: Olga Dribeņeca

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Impact of Time Management in Organizing the Events

The thesis is devoted to the study of the organization of events and factors of effective time management, as well as practical applications for its improvement. The thesis considers the history of development of the main concepts and theories of time management, as well as psychological aspects related to effective work with time. Attention is paid to the tools and technologies of time management. Their impact on current and future trends in event management productivity is examined; the results of the research are presented in this paper, followed by conclusions and suggestions for improving time management in small event management companies.The study consists of Introduction, 3 Chapters, Conclusions, Recommendations.Chapter 1 is devoted to the concept, tools and practices of time management, discovered based on scientific articles.Chapter 2 comprises the analysis of event-organising market in Latvia, including the analysis of small companies.Chapter 3 deals with analysis of interviews with managers of event-organising companies and survey of customers.Conclusions were done on the basis of literature study and empirical analysis.Recommendations to the managers of small event-organising companies on time management of events were done on the basis of drawn conclusion.

Author: Dmitrijs Semešins

Supervisor: Jeļena Popova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


Improving the efficiency of the company's transport department

Aim of the paper: to investigate the possibilities of improving the efficiency of the transport department of a company.Objectives:1. to select and summarise available statistical data on the Latvian transport sector;2. to review the concept of logistics, to identify the main logistics activities, to explain the specifics of the logistics approach to the organisation of transport processes; 3. to carry out a study on the organisational and economic activity of the company "SAVITRA" Ltd;4. collect information on the company's fleet of trucks;5. analyse the efficiency of the technical operation of the company's transport department;6. develop measures to increase the efficiency of the company's transport department.SAVITRA Ltd specialises in freight transport and provides quality services to customers in several European countries.In the first chapter the statistical data on the transport and storage sector were considered; in the second chapter the analysis of the activity of "SAVITRA" Ltd. was carried out; in the third chapter the improvement of the operational efficiency of the transport department of "SAVITRA" Ltd. by the purchase of a new lorry was developed.

Author: Iļja Greidāns

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Possibilities of logistics performance improvement in transport company

Logistics is the management of the flow of materials, information and resources from their place of origin to the place of their consumption in order to meet the needs of customers. This process shall include the planning, implementation and control of the efficient and economical movement and storage of goods, services and related information from the place of origin to the place of consumption.The main functions of logistics are:Transport: selection and management of vehicles for the movement of goods. This may include road, rail, sea and air transport.

Author: Jekaterīna Novikova

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Kotļars

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

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