Corporate Network Segmentation to Security Level Improving

The aim of the bachelor thesis is Corporate Network Segmentation to Security Level Improving. During the audit of the company's network, several problems were identified, such as a single network, weak nodes, no backup channel, a separate strand with Lithuanian servers, HQ branch without a backup channel. The most popular network security threats and attacks were reviewed, DiD strategies and measures were introduced, an audit of the existing computer network was performed, and the new network topology was drawn. Based on the Cisco PPDIOO model, a plan for gradual restructuring in a new network has been drawn up. A central device was installed in the DC of Latvia, an IPsec tunnel was agreed with the DC of Lithuania, tests were carried out. All branches were provided with backup channels, which made it possible to test a new network first through the backup channel and only when all the tests were performed and were positive, the main channel could easily be connected as well. The backup channel routers and branch routers are configured according to a single template to allow easy interchangeability. Configured access to branch switches and backup routers from both channels: primary channel and backup channel. The network has been tested and is working.

Author: Igors Manžurcevs

Supervisor: Elena Revzina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Increasing the efficiency of the company as a result of the organization of optimal procurement procedures

The purpose of the study is to explore and analyse the organisations procurement procedures, their efficiency and the possibilities for increasing it in the company “MKStar”.To achieve the purpose of the Bachelor's work, the author set out the following tasks: 1) Explore theoretical aspects of procurement procedures for improving efficiency. 2) Analyse the market trends of a particular sector. 3) To examine the subject company and its procurement procedures. 4) To perform an analysis of procurement procedures of the company. 5) To draw conclusions and proposals on increasing the efficiency of the company based on the results of the study.The study used these data collection methods: document analysis, semi-structured expert interviews and secondary data analysis.In the work, the author used purchasing analysis methods such as: ''Inventory Turnover'', ''Lean'' and the ''Kralyk Matrix''.The main results of the work relate to joint cooperation between the supplier of raw materials. One way to optimize collaboration is to integrate supplier and buyer purchasing software. One of the problems identified in the work is the fragmentation of suppliers warehouses, which consequently affects the availability of raw materials.

Author: Rūdolfs Klāvs Baķis

Supervisor: Renāte Indrika

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

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