Development of a Decentralized Payment Platform Using Blockchain Technology for E-Commerce Applications

The present bachelor paper deals with a decentralized system based on smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain to facilitate payments in stable coins between customers and merchants. Defined requirements to e-commerce platform to integrate the platform, designed, implemented and tested the payment system solution based on blockchain technology.

Author: Aleksejs Korņejevs

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Development of an information management application for a logistics company

The thesis "Development of an Information Management Application for a Logistics Company" analyzes information management systems in the logistics sector and proposes the development of a new application. The work includes an analysis of existing logistics information systems, determination of requirements for a new application, design of its architecture, development, testing, and user experience evaluation. The results show that the developed system has demonstrated its ability to improve management processes.

Author: Aleksejs Orlovs

Supervisor: Olga Dribeņeca

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


Website Development for Organisation of Leisure and Entertainment of ABC Software Сompany Staff

Development of a website for the organization of recreation and entertainment of employees of the ABC Software company", A. Saveljevs. Supervisor lecturer, Mg. sc. comp. K. Kostykina..DESIGN, PROGRAMMING, TESTING, PHP, MySQL, Apache, OpenServeThe work is dedicated to the development of the web, which would ensure faster and more convenient self-organization of work and rest.

Author: Aleksejs Saveļjevs

Supervisor: Karina Kostjkina

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Study programme: Computer Science


AI-driven Voice Recognition: Model Development and Application

In the course of the work is decided to develop a speech recognition model with the application with the system assistant capabilities. The result of the author's work is a model that is capable of speech recognition on a limited set of words and the application that will be the prototype of the concept. The software is implemented using Visual Studio Code/Jupyter, Python programming language with big framework such as Keras. The developed software fully meets the requirements and is ready for operation.

Author: Aleksejs Ņikiforovs

Supervisor: Dmitry Pavlyuk

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Computer Science


Best practices for enhancing customer centricity through digital solutions

The first part of the thesis considers the concept of a customer-centric approach and the best practices of digital solutions for achieving this approach through an improved customer experience.In the second part of the thesis, the data-driven decision-making method is discussed, as well as the existing tools for analysing data and matrices for evaluating customer success. Furthermore, it examines the successful implementation of digital solutions to enhance customer experience at companies such as Netflix and Spotify.The third part of the thesis is devoted to an analysis of the Latvian online food delivery market. The analysis includes an examination of the current market situation, the identification and comparison of the main players on the market, and an identification of the needs and expectations of users. In the fourth part of the thesis, the findings of the previous sections are used to identify the best practices for digital solutions to improve the customer experience in online food delivery applications. In addition, the possible aspects to meet user needs are identified and recommendations are made.

Author: Alisa Purviņa

Supervisor: Oksana Skorobogatova

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Business and Management


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