Implementation of Variable Pitch Angle Fan Blades on Gas Turbine Engine

This diploma thesis explores methods to enhance the efficiency of gas turbine engines with a focus on high bypass ratio engines. The study is structured around three objectives: (1) reviewing the principles, and advancements of gas turbine engines, (2) analyzing the design features and challenges of high bypass ratio engines, and (3) developing a variable pitch angle fan mechanism to optimize performance.The analysis of high bypass ratio engines details and their advantages, while addressing challenges in thermal management and cooling. The study successfully proposes a conceptual design for a variable pitch angle fan, demonstrating its potential to adapt to varying flight conditions and enhance overall engine efficiency.The findings suggest integrate innovative cooling, sealing technologies, and advanced control systems can significantly improve performance. The proposed variable pitch angle fan mechanism shows promising results in optimizing engine efficiency. This thesis concludes that the implementation of these advancements can achieve a notable increase in gas turbine engine efficiency, contributing to the advancement of aviation technology. Future research should continue to refine these solutions and explore additional methods to enhance engine performance.

Author: Andrejs Kazanli

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: English

Study programme: Aviation Engineering


Improving the efficiency of the company's transport department

Aim of the paper: to investigate the possibilities of improving the efficiency of the transport department of a company.Objectives:1. to select and summarise available statistical data on the Latvian transport sector;2. to review the concept of logistics, to identify the main logistics activities, to explain the specifics of the logistics approach to the organisation of transport processes; 3. to carry out a study on the organisational and economic activity of the company "SAVITRA" Ltd;4. collect information on the company's fleet of trucks;5. analyse the efficiency of the technical operation of the company's transport department;6. develop measures to increase the efficiency of the company's transport department.SAVITRA Ltd specialises in freight transport and provides quality services to customers in several European countries.In the first chapter the statistical data on the transport and storage sector were considered; in the second chapter the analysis of the activity of "SAVITRA" Ltd. was carried out; in the third chapter the improvement of the operational efficiency of the transport department of "SAVITRA" Ltd. by the purchase of a new lorry was developed.

Author: Iļja Greidāns

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Increasing the efficiency of a manufacturing enterprise

This bachelor’s thesis is dedicated to the study of methods for improving the efficiency of a manufacturing enterprise. The work examines the theoretical aspects of determining efficiency, analyzes various approaches to its research and methods of improvement, and emphasizes the importance of strategic planning.The practical part of the research includes a description of the company's activities, an assessment of its financial condition, and a SWOT analysis. The work also reviews sales data in various segments of the non-alcoholic beverages market in Latvia, which helps identify problem areas and develop improvement recommendations.Particular attention is paid to the development of a production process improvement plan, including a detailed analysis of current operations and optimization proposals.The work is based on the analysis of the company's financial indicators for the period from 2020 to 2022, which allows identifying trends in profitability and liquidity indicators.The presented conclusions and recommendations can be used to enhance the efficiency of the enterprise and improve its competitive position in the market.

Author: Vitāliušs Mareks Kolodinskis

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

Improving the efficiency of the company's subdivision

Rail freight transport is not feasible without railway tracks, which are being repaired and modernized with modern track machines. The thesis explores the relevance and need for spare parts supply for the repair of track machines. Within the scope of the work, a warehouse is analyzed and ways to improve it are discussed. Based on the data obtained, a solution is proposed to enhance warehouse operations efficiency - the implementation of a QR system.

Author: Vladislavs Minkevičs

Supervisor: Aleksandrs Medvedevs

Degree: Professional Bachelor

Year: 2024

Work Language: Latvian

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