FP5: Thematic Network on Rail Freight Services (RAILSERVE)

Период: 01.01.2000
- 01.01.2003
Программа: Framework


Государственный эмеритус ученый, профессор 

Dr. sc. ing., Dr. habil. sc. ing.
Игорь Кабашкин
Факультет инжeнерных наук

Academic degree and current position in TSI: Professor, Dr.sc.ing. Dr.hab.sc.ing, leading researcher of the Engineering Faculty, Director of PhD Programme “Telematics and Logistics”.

Previous Experience: Founder and President of Transport and Telecommunication Institute for over 15 years, Vice-rector for Research and Development Affairs for more than 10 years

Membership: Member of the Joint OECD/ITF Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ITF – International Transport Forum), Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Science, President of Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, President of Latvian Operations Research Society, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal «Transport and Telecommunication», Member of the board of the Journals “Transport”, “Technological and Economic Development”, “Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering” etc.

Academic experience: Author of more than 600 academic and research publications, author of 68 patents. Expert of the Latvian Council of Science in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of promotion council for PhD degree in Civil and Transport Engineering, Chairman of Professor Council in Telematics and Logistics.

Teaching at post- and graduate level: 45 years of pedagogical experience in university; courses: Research Methodology (PhD programme); New Trends of Telematics and Logistics Development (PhD programme), Research Methodology (MSc programme), Theory of Systems and System Analysis (MSc programme), Transport Policy (MSc programme), Intelligent Transport Systems (MSc programme), Reliability Engineering (BSc programme) etc.

Participation in projects: has participated in 37 international projects (in 26 projects as national coordinator of the projects) and 26 Latvian research projects and programs (in 23 as head of the projects) within the frame of COST Activities, Horizon 2020, Framework Programs, INTERREG etc. 

Research Interests: Transport Telematics and Logistics, Smart Cities, Analysis and Modelling of Transport Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Reliability of Electronics Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Information Technology Applications, Electronics and Telecommunication, Decision Support Systems, Avionics, Air Traffic Control Systems and others.

Supervised Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses: Supervisor of 9 PhD theses and more than 200 Master and Bachelor theses.

Awards: 2 Gold and 5 Silver Medals of International Research and Innovation Exhibition of Innovators (1985-1990); Honorary title “Latvian Honored Inventor”, Latvian Parliament (1989); Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, USA (1998); Award and memorial medal for outstanding research in computer science and informatics,  Latvian Academy of Sciences (2001); Award and memorial medal for outstanding performance of research in air navigation, communication and radar technology, Latvian Academy of Sciences (2002); Certificate of Recognition as a significant contribution to the research and educational work in the transport, logistics and information technology, as well as on the international success in science, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (2014); Certificate of Honor of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for research in the field of transport and logistics (2019).

The project has been developed within of the Competitive and Sustainable Growth, one of the four thematic programmes of the Fifth RTD Framework Programme (1998-2002), conceived to tackle the key challenges facing European industry – sustainable transport, efficient and quality-based production, materials for the 21st century, measurement for quality control and more. In particular, RAILSERV focuses itself on the exchange of knowledge on European research and innovative services in the rail freight sector.

Main Objective:

The main goal of RAILSERV is to assist in the revitalisation of rail transport. It reflects the importance of an effective and efficient freight transport system within the European unification process. Railways have the potential to contribute much to sustainable development although it is far from being realised yet. As a means to assist in achieving this, it is necessary to identify areas where research can lead to measures that enhance rail’s competitiveness in providing freight transport services.

The specific objectives are:

  • collect and disseminate results and recommendations from research projects and demonstration activities to further the process of revitalising rail freight business
  • recommend activities, including new proposals, for implementation
  • dissemination activities and co-ordination with relevant international organisations.


The need for a common lobby platform for rail freight customers was one of the main conclusions of a large rail freight customer hearing held in Brussels on the 29th March 2001, in close co-operation with the European Commission. The hearing concluded a mismatch between the needs of the customers and the performance of the railway companies. This has led to a declining share of rail. Requirements to change this were also defined, for instance: implementation of rail liberalisation, improved reliability and information services of European rail freight services and a transparent pricing policy of the railway companies. The hearing concluded that a platform of rail freight customers is needed to ensure that the right actions are taken… (From Railserv Press Release)

Support to DG TREN activities (6th FP rail freight projects, participation to the World Congress of Intelligent Mobility in Turin) and Telematic Application for Freight group

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